The benefits of Moroccan tea and the way it is prepared


 Tea Moroccan

Today we offer you the benefits of Moroccan tea, Moroccan tea or atai as they call it one of the best teas in terms of benefit and travelers, i.e. the Maghreb countries, are keen to bring it from there to their relatives and relatives as a kind of beloved gifts, as it is a ritual of hospitality in the Maghreb country.
Moroccan tea is characterized by other types of tea with its health benefits, as it contains many antioxidants that resist free radicals that cause the growth of cancer cells and God forbid, green tea is one of the best drinks because it has many therapeutic benefits to the body health and skin freshness and to know all the characteristics of Moroccan tea you should stay with us in an encyclopedia.

Benefits of Moroccan tea

Moroccan tea is prepared from the addition of green tea to green mint and boiled for minutes on low heat for the best results. Camellia is taken from flower buds as well as small and new white leaves and is widely eaten only in a few parts of the world.
Benefits of Moroccan tea for skin
Moroccan tea is an ideal treatment for skin problems, whether through drinking or through local use, and here are the benefits of the skin in detail:

• The bulges around the eyes resulting from exhaustion are treated by making lukewarm compresses of it and of course without adding mint but only through green tea leaves because the mint has a burning effect that can lead to eye infections.

• Moroccan tea contains a lot of antioxidants that provide freshness and radiance to the skin and protect it from signs of aging.

Does Moroccan tea burn fat?

A question that is repeated thousands of times a day through the engines searching for the effectiveness of Moroccan tea in weight loss and fat burning, obesity clinics, thinness and nutrition centers are buzzing with the pioneers of the search for agility and from people who seek information through the Internet to save time and effort, and certainly Moroccan tea has the ability to lose weight it improves the ability of the digestive system to metabolism, resulting in its ability to get rid of excess weight
It has a high efficiency in getting rid of triglycerides as well as cellulite accumulated in the body and thus leads to weight loss
It raises the body's metabolic efficiency, resulting in permanent calorie burning, resulting in no accumulation of fat that gains the body's full shape.

Benefits of Moroccan tea for the body

• Strengthens bones and prevents their fragility.
• Protects against ear, throat and respiratory infections.
• Improves digestive performance, thereby eliminating waste and preventing constipation.
• Treats various liver problems and protects against cancer by attacking free radicals.
• Works to provide the body with the vitality and activity necessary to carry out its necessary tasks without fatigue and fatigue.
• Contains a lot of vitamins and minerals which makes it a magical solution to hair, skin and nail problems.
• Prevents osteoporosis, joint pain and knee roughness.
Increases the sexual capacities of both men and women because of their ginseng extract.

How to make Moroccan tea

• Add 2 tablespoons of coarse green tea to a quarter cup of fresh green mint leaves and add 2 cups of boiling water.
• Put the mixture on low heat for minutes and then pour into the cups with sweetened to taste and healthy and here on your hands


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